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     Help locate these missing FHS Classmates 


The Class of 1954



Hazelean Betty Brown

James Russell Buntyn

Nancy Capps

Deborah Anne Carroll

Peter Frink Darrah

Jeanette Katherine Franklin

Laura Ann Franks

 James Carroll Freeman

 David M. Gardner

 David M. Gardner

Marilyn Gill

  James David Gooden

Frances Kay Hall

Richard Wayne Hardman

Cecil Harkey, Jr.

Jean Carol Helms





 Edna Jane Holder

Melba Jean Holder

Elizabeth E. Humphreys

Joanne Hurst

James Joseph Ingram, Jr.

 George Howard Joiner, Jr.

Oliva Buck Jones

   Elizabeth Murna Kanzer

Harold Bell Kiser

 Clinton Kriese

 Dorothy Yvette Langford

Dennis Parker Lynch

 Peggy O'Neil Matthews

Barbara Miller

William Howard McKee

 Daniel Cullom Porter



Elizabeth Louise Potter

William Vincent Puglisi

Charles Reeves

 Gordon Campbell Singles

 Frances Ella Snipes

 Peter Fayette Soule

Mildren Wayne Stanton

Patricia Ann Stevens

Sandra Sue Strang 

 Susan Christine Taylor

 Harvey Edmonson Weeks

Richard Anthony White  

Silvia Hall Williams 

Mercedes Ann Winckler 

 Edith Marie Wood

 Charles Garret Wyrick

 Carman Neil York

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If you know where any of our missing classmates can be located, please contact:           

Shake Rattle and Roll

    Last Update:
     September 01, 2014

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